Trinity Methodist Church

Minister’s New Year Message

A new year. A new decade. New opportunities?!

This past year has flown by. There have been some real joys,

especially Deb Crahart starting as our shared family worker,

Messy Church, a full youth club, new faces amongst us in

worship, an away day to Trellech and TLEGS which continues

to inspire. There has been some sorrow, too, with the loss of

loved people, health issues, the struggle for the Monday

afternoon ladies’ group and the departure of Head over Heels

(our long term hirer of the upper hall). The ups and downs of

life mirrored in our Church life.

A new year beckons. Hopes?

To see Messy Church continue to thrive and develop, to see new

outreach ventures especially through Deb’s team that will

develop, to continue in the schools and to listen to God’s voice

that we may start new ventures; does anyone MUSICAL feel a

call to start a ‘Singing for the Brain’ group in Trinity? If so

please come and have a word with me…..and I hope we will be

surprised by God on a regular basis.

On a personal level, I wish to thank you all for your prayers,

love and kindness. I feel supported in this role of being

Superintendent by the good people of Trinity [as well as

Bishpool, Shaftesbury and Langstone] and know that this is the

place God wants us to be at this time. May 2020 bring each of

us an unexpected joy by the God revealed in Jesus Christ who

seeks to bless us beyond our imaginations.